
Idea 3

My students could use this media to create a running set of homework assignments. Think of the saved paper and printer ink, both on their part and on mine. A rubric stored on my blog (ok, not an original idea) could be used as a guideline to create assignments that they leave on their blog. Students could also create assignments on their own blogs that could be used by other students. This would be a great exercise, for instance, for test review sessions.


Idea 2

I could create an assignment calendar hyperlinked to my blog. My students could use that to know where they stand in terms of assignments, due dates, and the like. I have found that, atleast at the Middle School level, students prefer to know what is on the horizon.
Also, as part of a cross-curricular exercise, my students could create their own blog pages for "my class", doing assignments directly on their blogs which would be linked to my page. That way students not only learn from me but also from their fellow students. The blog access would be limited only to those in the class.


Idea 1 - archive

I could use this blog to archive all the work I am doing for my online classes and perhaps to archive all the work that I have done in my years of teaching. Organized well, this could be a tool to have as much of my teaching material as possible in one place. I could then limit the access according to the appropriate audience.